Chopok 2024 m

To get to the top of Chopok even in summer you can catch a ride with a modern cable car. There you can find a new panoramic restaurant: Rotunda or a classic tourist chalet: Kamenna Chata (Stone Chalet).

From here you can enjoy panoramic trips of different difficulty levels along the Low Tatra ranges. The most popular one is a trek up to the highest mountain of Low Tatras: Ďumbier 2045 m.

The route runs alongside the Stone Chalet, following the red marked path in an easterly direction. The whole trip will take approximately 4 hours. We’re happy to inform visitors about cable car operations at the reception or in the infocenter directly in Jasna.

Siná 1560 m

This difficult and steep track towards the dominance of the Demänová Valley begins cca 100 meters behind the famous Demänová Freedom Cave towards the direction of Jasná. The track follows a yellow marked path, through a valley at first, and later through a steep forest all the way to the Siná range.

From there you need to continue through a grassy range all the way to the top. This hike is great for the summer season and will take you about 4-5 hours.

Ostredok 1167 m

Easy hike for everyone.

From the Demänová Freedom Cave continue towards the direction of Jasná following a yellow marked path. After approximately 1.5 hours you will reach a symbolical cemetery and a tall wooden lookout point, which should be especially fun for kids.

The route back takes the same yellow marked path, or you can choose to continue on to Jasná (around 20 minutes) and return by bus.

Poľana range 1837m

Mid-range level of difficulty, commencing from either the Freedom Cave or Jasná. There is a pleasant surprise at the beginning of the trip, a walk alongside Vrbické Pleso.

Keep going along the yellow marked path towards “Tri Vody” and from there via a steep serpentine walkway all the way to the range.

The track up takes around 2.5 hours. From the Poľana range you can continue to Chopok (around 2 hours of walking along the red marked path) and catch a cable car on your way down. Walking down from the range via the same way will take approximately 2 hours.

Walk along the Demänovka river

You can take a walk along a forest path directly from Riverside. This path is also a cycleway and goes towards the Demänová Freedom Cave and Lúčky.

The path is not marked but it always follows Demänovka. The walk towards the Freedom Cave takes approx 40 minutes.

Vrbické pleso

Are you after a quiet walk surrounded by the nature of the Tatra Mountains? Discover Vrbické Pleso.

This natural lake is the largest of its kind in Low Tatras. It is situated 1113 meters above sea level in the upper west part of the Demänová Valley. It covers 0.69ha in area, its maximum depth is 8 meters, it’s 115 metres long and 62 metres wide.

The starting point is the car park nearby the Grand Hotel. The track follows a yellow marked path on the right hand side and has an easy forest terrain. The walk is also suitable for families with children. The trip around the lake takes 20 minutes.

Practical information

Before you set on a hike let the reception staff know your target point. Always have your cell phone fully charged. The Mountain Rescue staff will also gladly provide you with detailed weather information via the phone number: +421(0)527877711 or via email: Save the emergency phone number 18300 to your cell phone just in case.


Rafting na Liptove

Pokiaľ máte radi dobrodružnú dovolenku plnú adrenalínových zážitkov, určite nevynechajte rafting v areáli vodných športov v Liptovskom Mikuláši.

Adrenalín centrum Liptovský Mikuláš vám ponúka raftovanie pre dospelých, ale aj deti na 350 m dlhej dráhe, ktorú je možné splavovať aj v lete, keď má väčšina riek nedostatok vody.

Raftovanie je možné od 1.4 do 15.11 a raftovacie centrum je otvorené od 10 do 18h. Cena za osobu je 25 Eur. V prípade väčšej skupiny je potrebné sa nahlásiť vopred. Bližšie informácie vám radi poskytnú priamo v Adrenalínovom centre

Liptovská mara

Liptovská mara

Množstvo letných atrakcií ponúka aj vodná nádrž Liptovská mara.

Len 15 minút jazdy autom od RiverSide nájdete upravené pláže a atrakcie pre celú rodinu. Chcete prekvapiť svoju polovičku letnou romantikou? Darujte jej romantickú plavbu na 12 miestnej lodi po Liptovskej mare. Na palube budete len vy a kapitán. Viac informácií.

Priamo v Liptovskom Trnovci nájdete Mara Fun centrum, ktoré ponúka množstvo atrakcií ako jazdu motorovým člnom, či vodným skútrom, parasailing, ale aj výlety na kajakoch. V centre nájdete aj požičovňu vodných bicyklov, kajakov, lodiek pre deti a mnohé iné.

Heliport Liptov

Heliport Liptov

Pozrite sa na svet z vtáčej perspektívy a vychutnajte si krásy Liptova z paluby trojmiestneho vrtuľníka.

Objavte skutočné perly Liptova. Vrtuľník Robinson R44 Raven lieta rýchlosťou 180 km/h, takže v priebehu krátkej doby môžete vidieť množstvo skrytých zákutí Liptova. Na vyhliadkový let je potrebné sa objednať telefonicky alebo online

Cena za jeden let pre tri osoby závisí od dĺžky letu. Za 10 min let zaplatíte 100 Eur/3 osoby.